No one is alone in their anxiety – one in four people struggle with sever anxiety attacks during their lifetime (intelligent people are most commonly affected) – but only one in ten sufferers get the correct diagnosis. And only four out of a hundred are prescribed a suitable drug.
Anxiety always leaves traces on the body. However, anxiety disorders are often difficult to detect by doctors because they can have many symptoms: in every person, a different organ is particularly sensitive. Many get stomach aches, others feel their heart sink, and sometimes the symptoms occur in the entire body.
Those affected by anxiety usually have an odyssey of doctor’s appointments behind them. And although the doctors found nothing, they continue to feel – and rightly so – sick.
Many patients also suffer from panic – the feeling of losing control, they feel tightness in the chest, a lump in their throat, and they cannot catch their breath. They fear that they will die or go crazy. On top of this, there are personal fears: the fear of becoming old, the fear of being unattractive, fear of making decisions, etc.